Documentation PHP >= 5.4

create retrieve read update delete post get put routing doc production debug

How to document and let your users explore your API. We have modified SwaggerUI to create Restler API Explorer which is used here.

Restler API Explorer

We are progressively improving the Authors class from CRUD example to Rate Limiting Example to show Best Practices and Restler 5 Features.

Make sure you compare them to understand.

Even though API Explorer is created with API consumers in mind, it will help the API developer with routing information and commenting assistance when our API class is not fully commented as in this example. This works only on the debug mode. Try changing rester to run in production mode ($r = new Restler(true))

Note:- production mode writes human readable cache file for the routes in the cache directory by default. So make sure cache folder has necessary write permission.

Happy Exploring! :)

This API Server is made using the following php files/folders

This API Server exposes the following URIs

GET    authors          ⇠ improved\Authors::index()
POST   authors          ⇠ improved\Authors::post()
PATCH  authors/reset    ⇠ improved\Authors::patchReset()
GET    authors/{id}     ⇠ improved\Authors::get()
PUT    authors/{id}     ⇠ improved\Authors::put()
PATCH  authors/{id}     ⇠ improved\Authors::patch()
DELETE authors/{id}     ⇠ improved\Authors::delete()
GET    explorer/*       ⇠ Luracast\Restler\Explorer\v2\Explorer::get()
GET    explorer/swagger ⇠ Luracast\Restler\Explorer\v2\Explorer::swagger()

We expect the following behaviour from this example.

@example8 @documentation Feature: Testing Documentation Example Scenario: Resetting data to begin tests When I request "PATCH examples/_008_documentation/authors/reset.json" Then the response status code should be 200 And the response should be JSON And the response equals true Scenario: Creating new Author by POSTing vars Given that I want to make a new "Author" And his "name" is "Chris" And his "email" is "[email protected]" When I request "examples/_008_documentation/authors" Then the response status code should be 201 And the response should be JSON And the response has a "id" property Scenario: Creating new Author with JSON Given that I want to make a new "Author" And his "name" is "Chris" And his "email" is "[email protected]" And the request is sent as JSON When I request "examples/_008_documentation/authors" Then the response status code should be 201 And the response should be JSON And the response has a "id" property Scenario: Updating Author with JSON Given that I want to update "Author" And his "name" is "Jac" And his "email" is "[email protected]" And his "id" is 1 And the request is sent as JSON When I request "examples/_008_documentation/authors/{id}" Then the response status code should be 200 And the response should be JSON And the response has a "id" property Scenario: Given url is valid for other http method(s) Given that I want to update "Author" And his "name" is "Jac" And his "email" is "[email protected]" And his "id" is 1 And the request is sent as JSON When I request "examples/_008_documentation/authors" Then the response status code should be 405 And the response "Allow" header should be "GET, POST" Scenario: Deleting Author Given that I want to delete an "Author" And his "id" is 1 When I request "examples/_008_documentation/authors/{id}" Then the response status code should be 200 And the response should be JSON And the response has an "id" property Scenario: Deleting with invalid author id Given that I want to delete an "Author" And his "id" is 1 When I request "examples/_008_documentation/authors/{id}" Then the response status code should be 404 And the response should be JSON Scenario: Checking Redirect of Explorer When I request "examples/_008_documentation/explorer" Then the response redirects to "examples/_008_documentation/explorer/" And the response should be HTML

It can be tested by running the following command on terminal/command line from the project root (where the vendor folder resides). Make sure base_url in behat.yml is updated according to your web server.

vendor/bin/behat  features/examples/_008_documentation.feature