OAuth2 Client PHP >= 5.4.9

access-control acl secure authentication authorization

Setting up the client example

In order to run this example on your localhost do the following

  1. run composer update to make sure you have
    • twig template library
    • bshaffer's oauth2 library
  2. make sure public/examples/_014_oauth2_client/cache has write permissions to create the compiled template files

Now that you are ready, lets look at the example

OAuth 2 Client

This API Server is made using the following php files/folders

This API Server exposes the following URIs

GET            ⇠ Auth\Client::index()
GET authorized ⇠ Auth\Client::authorized()

This example is part 1 in a 2 part example that shows how Restler can be integrated with the popular OAuth 2.0 Server library. This section -- the "client" -- is about asking for access rights and keeping a record of the important state mechanisms required to communicate with Restler once access has been granted.

If you're not familiar with OAuth, it's worth familiarizing yourself with the basics and in particular understanding the various workflow that OAuth 2.0 offers. The following two links may help:

The role of the client application in OAuth is two-fold:

  1. Asking for access (aka, Authorization)
  2. Making authenticated requests (aka, Authentication)

It's important to understand that the workflow of asking for access varies by "grant type" in OAuth. The standard grant-types that OAuth 2.0 Server supports out-of-the-box are:


In this example the OAuth server is setup to manage the authorization code grant. Holistically there really two parts to the process. First, the client must get authorization from the server and then it will use that authorization (in the form of an "access token") to authenticate with the REST API from that point forward. The two flows are illustrated below:

Authorization Code Flow


The client apps role in authentication is two-fold. First it must direct the user to the server to start the process. And second, when the authorization has completed the client application's callback function will be executed and it will be responsible for saving the authorization information.


Once the proper authorization has been attained by the client app, it's sole responsibility is to pass along it's authorization status in each RESTful API request. This is achieved by the client application adding a query parameter of 'code' set to the access token that the OAuth Server provided to the application in the authorization step.

Note:- there is an optional parameter on the server that allows the Access Token to be passed as a header variable instead of a query parameter.

In Conclusion

The "client application" plays an important role in the OAuth interaction and while your Restler server's primarily role will likely be to play the server role in this process it is useful to know that both client and server are available as part of the OAuth 2.0 Server module and both are easily made available to Restler.

For more information on how to start using this functionality with Restler be sure to look at the OAuth Server example.

We expect the following behaviour from this example.

@example14 @oauth Feature: Testing OAuth Client Scenario: Getting Html response When I request "examples/_014_oauth2_client/index.html" Then the response status code should be 200 And the response is HTML

It can be tested by running the following command on terminal/command line from the project root (where the vendor folder resides). Make sure base_url in behat.yml is updated according to your web server.

vendor/bin/behat  features/examples/_014_oauth2_client.feature